5 Must-Know Facts About Knee Pain

If your knees are painful, sore or achy – it’s very common to think that it’s “just something that I have to get used to, now that I’m older”, or we may think that it’s no big deal and it will eventually go away on its own.

You are not sure why you’re feeling pain in your knees – but it doesn’t seem to want to go away!

If that sounds like you, you’re not alone – this is something we hear all the time. In fact, Knee Pain is one of THE most common problems that we see in our Physical Therapy Practice in Rancho Santa Margarita.

Regarding Knee Pain, everybody we see wants to know the answers to these questions:

5 Must-Know Facts About Knee Pain

“Why Am I Having Knee Pain?”…
“Why Has It Not Gone Away Even Though It Has Already Been 3 Months (or Maybe Longer)”

Most people think that when they get Knee Pain, it’s “Normal” and if you just give it time, it will go away on it’s own. They feel they will just wake up one day and it will have vanished, as if they had never had it… But then 3 months later you’re still dealing with Knee pain – and it is likely worse than when it first began.

Does That Sound Like You?

Something else we often see in our Physical Therapy practice is when clients go to the Doctors, and the Doctor tells them to “just rest” and gives them muscle relaxers or pain pills and “see what happens”.

But this advice is not usually the best and it is common for many of these people to still be in pain several weeks later. Many return to the Doctor who frequently ends up giving them another prescription for even stronger medication and instructed to rest LONGER. This isn’t right and explains why so many people are suffering with chronic knee pain.

Has This Happened To You?

It can be confusing because you’ve been told different things, by different people. You may think you have to rest because you’ve been told walking will only make it worse, or that you should be doing ‘this exercise’ or ‘that exercise’ to make it go away.

It can be very confusing learning exactly what to do – and that’s just to keep it from getting worse!

And because of this confusion – this often leads people to procrastinate and put off getting help to fix their Knee Pain. Even worse, many people just end up accepting it as “this is just the way life is” – as if it’s normal

Is That How You Feel?

If You’re Currently Suffering With Knee Pain, Here are Some More Reasons Why It Could Be Lasting Longer Than We Would Expect:

  1. You keep thinking it will just go away on it’s own – but it hasn’t.
  2. Your Doctor told you to rest and take pain medication – but they did nothing to help your knee, and once they wore off the Knee pain returned.
  3. You were told that Knee pain is “Normal” as you get older, and you should just except it, because everyone gets it.
  4. You tried another Physical Therapist or Health Practitioner, but nothing they did or recommended help.
  5. You tried YouTube for exercises or taping to help your knee, but they didn’t do a thing or worse yet they increased your Knee pain.
  6. You thought that using Kenisio tape or a knee brace would get rid of the pain, but it only felt good for a little while and didn’t fix the problem.
  7. You took the advice that resting it was a good idea, but this only made you more stiff.

If any of these sound like what happened to you – we would love to help you out. I invite you to speak with one of our Knee pain specialized Physical Therapist at Focus Physical Therapy in Rancho Santa Margarita. Learn what can be done to help you. If you have tried some of these things and they didn’t work, it may not be a bad thing because by ruling out what doesn’t work – you are closer to finding out what will!

Arrange to speak with our Physical Therapist

What Can I Do To Get Rid Of MY Knee Pain, Fast”…

  1. First off all, you need to decide about getting help. Many people put it off way too long, thinking it will just go away if I give it enough time. Months later they are still dealing with it, nothing’s changed or may have even gotten worse.
  2. Do the RIGHT exercises – not all exercises are created equal. The best exercise for one cause of knee pain, is not always the best exercise for a different cause of it. Knowing what the right exercise for the cause of your knee pain is key. Proper exercises given to you be a Physical Therapist will decrease your pain, improve your mobility and ensure that your pain does not return anytime soon. Also, worth noting, they will not increase your pain like some other exercises can do.
  3. Minimize sitting and avoid long periods of rest – sitting with your knees crossed or bent is not what our knees were designed to do. You know how you feel when you first get out of bed in the morning or after a long car ride – you have a hard time moving because you are so stiff and tight. Too much inactivity makes your knee stiff and tight. What would be really helpful is if you had the correct strengthening exercises for improved strength, balance, posture and flexibility, combined with hands-on treatment, to get you back to normal as quickly as possible.
  4. Get real, “Hands-On” Physical Therapy – Physical Therapy is proven to help people with knee pain and the sooner one gets help the faster they get back to normal, doing the things that matter to them. At Focus Physical Therapy Knee Pain is one of the most common injuries we see. If your knee pain is affecting your life, your work, your family time – if it makes you feel less capable or confident – Physical Therapy can help you get back to living life your way, quickly.

If you would like to know how the Knee Pain Specialized Physical Therapist at Focus Physical Therapy in Rancho Santa Margarita can help ease your Knee pain – we invite you to start with a completely free Discovery Session, with no-obligation, at our practice:

Apply for a Free Discovery Session

Note: This Free Discovery Session is something that we offer to people who are not sure if Physical Therapy is right for them – they don’t know what to expect, how long it will take or are unsure of how it will benefit them. If that sounds like you, please start with a free Discovery Session so we can find the true cause of your pain and let you know what can be done about it – without any financial risk at all.

So The Question Is:

“How Will Choosing to See a Physical Therapist at Focus Physical Therapy Help You Get Rid of Your KneePain – In The Next Few Days?”

Here’s just a few of the things our Physical Therapy Team can do for you:

  • We can quickly eliminate the pain and stiffness – usually within a couple of sessions.
  • We can help you find out the real reason why you are having Knee pain once and for all – frequently inside 30 minutes.
  • Pain can make it difficult to sleep – taking away your energy – we can help you get a good night’s rest which will make you more energetic.
  • We will make sure that you have the correct exercises for your problem, so your problem will be corrected, and you will heal properly.
  • We can help you stop taking all of that medication that is not good for your health.
  • We can help you avoid risky knee surgery – and painful injections.
  • We can help you stay away from the Doctor, from making repeated visits only to be given more medication!
  • We can help you get back to spending time with your family and friends like you want to do.
  • We can help you to get a good night’s sleep without having to find that one perfect position.
  • We can help you to sit more comfortably and walk longer without your Knee feeling weak and painful or like it is going to “give-out”..

Basically, we can help you get back to living life your way with confidence

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have at Focus Physical Therapy, then please just click the button below and complete the short form:

Inquire About Cost and Availability

“Hear From Happy Clients of Focus Physical Therapy”

Please enjoy reading of other people just like you who came to see our expert Physical Therapist Team at Focus Physical Therapy - and soon left much healthier and happier:

"My biggest complaint before coming to Focus PT was the stabbing, burning pain I was experiencing in both knees every time I knelt down to play on the floor with my grandson. Ming quickly recognized what was happening specific to each knee and began his work. Within a few short weeks, the pain had completely diminished. I now have exercises I can continue at home and am happy to report I am back on the floor playing with my grandson without hesitation. Thank you Julian and the wonderful staff at Focus!”

- Susan Plamondon

“When I first started my journey at Focus Physical Therapy, I was barely able to get around on crutches without any pain. Thanks to Julian, I am now back surfing and doing what I love just a few short months later. There is no better place to come for PT, and it almost makes me enjoy being injured! Key word, almost. Thank you to Julian and everyone at Focus Physical Therapy, you guys are awesome!”

- Ben Moscrop

"I was not a runner and struggled running one lap of a school track. After building up to 2-3 miles, I developed IT band pain that prevented me from walking further and stepping down stairs. To achieve my goal of running the LA marathon, I came to Focus Physical Therapy where Julian began treating my muscles. During my 22 week training, I developed heel pain, hamstring tightness, and even back strain. With continued therapy, I was able to complete my first marathon at the age of 60 on Sunday, March 19th, 2017. Thank you to all at Focus who helped prepare me for the race with effective stretches pre and post run and for helping to relieve pain during my preparation. I couldn't have done it without you! I now am a runner and more specifically a "marathoner" in the best shape ever!"

- Mary Paez